Atlanta Careless Driving Attorney
Experienced Traffic Offense Lawyer
Have you received a citation for careless driving? By talking to attorney Matthew McNally about the matter, you can find out what you're up against and whether hiring legal counsel would be in your best interests in order to avoid serious penalties. Although careless driving is a lesser traffic violation than reckless driving, it may still result in heavy fines, points on your driving record, and driver's license suspension. You may also see increased insurance premiums as a result of a careless driving conviction.
By talking to you about your ticket and discussing your options with you, an experienced lawyer can help you determine what to do at this point. You may find that you have a fighting chance to successfully challenge your careless driving citation.
About Careless Driving in Georgia
Operating a motor vehicle in a careless manner may constitute this traffic violation. In situations where a driver isn't exactly driving "recklessly" a careless driving ticket may be issued. Some examples of behavior that an officer may look for in these situations may include: following too closely, not allowing enough space between the sides of the vehicle and fixed objects or other vehicles, and similar situations. These actions are considered to be dangerous because they may increase the likelihood of an accident and may put other motorists as well as bicyclists and pedestrians at risk of injury.
An interesting observation about Atlanta careless driving citations is that an officer may issue this ticket when he or she cannot put a finger on a specific action the driver may have done to violate a traffic law. The officer may be displeased with the way the driver is operating his or her vehicle and may resort to issuing a careless driving citation when unable to issue another form of ticket.
You should not have to face serious consequences for a frivolous citation. Contact Atlanta lawyer Matthew McNally today for a free consultation!

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Team McNally, My experience with you all was nothing short of exceptional.- Ian
I think I was still in shock yesterday and it was not until last night that the full impact of what you accomplished hit me. YOU ARE AMAZING.- Former Client
Your professional, friendly, positive, humble, respectful attitude and behavior towards your clients had won our admiration.- Former Client
Nobody has ever heard of such an outcome in Douglas County (even the bailiffs were surprised with the judge's decision) It was the best outcome possible.- Eric